Nowadays, Facebook is one of the best social media sites. Where you spent at least 140 minutes in a day (According to analytics). If you are a heavy social media user and addicted to social media, It’s wise to think about The dark side or negative effects of social media on you and your friends.
Suppose, Facebook is banned from tomorrow!!!!. Hey, relax. It’s not true. If you’re an addicted user you will be shocked and can’t believe that. Because you’re addicted to it and can’t imagine life without social media. I will give you some questions if you have the answers then you do need to read it you already know and be aware of our personal life. Otherwise, I suggest you continue it.
1. Do you know why they give you free entertainment without paying for creating videos?.
2. Do you know The dark side or negative impacts of social media ?
3. Why do the powerful and end-to-end encrypted apps give you free service without charging for its uses?
4. Does Facebook track your data?
5. Are your products for these types of social media?
In covid-19, Most of the companies and most of the families faced problems with revenue. But at this time do you know which is the most powerful revenue generator? Yes, This is the CEO of Meta or Facebook Mark Zuckerberg. Are you think how did it possible? Yes, possible. Because Facebook doesn’t charge for creating an account but Facebook has the ability to read your interest and sell your interest from others. Let’s see an example,
You’re texting your friend that I like to buy a bike this month. Your Friend has not seen your message. But If you around your News Feed for 2-3minutes it will show you bike-related products. This is okay, just imagine if Facebook sells you this type of information like age, family details, relationship status, etc. to another company. Is this good for you?.

Are you asking me How they collect my data without my permission?.
Let’s go to create any type of account online. When we’re going to create an account on any social media like Facebook. You can see they have options like “I agree of terms and conditions”. When you click on it without reading its terms and conditions. Then you’re already permitted to collect your data from them. Hope you understand that one.
Let’s talk about TikTok, In this time TikTok is one of the best trendings for teenagers. But do you know how dangerous for our teenagers?. Let’s see how the 10-year-old girl dies after the TikTok blackout challenge. This is the most serious issue in today’s society. So, be aware of it.
We know Whatsapp is more popular as messaging app. In February 2009, Whatsapp has been launched. Then Facebook purchased WhatsApp in 2014 with a bid at $16 million. Whatsapp is a free platform so why did Facebook invest $16 million for it?. That’s the twists. We know Whatsapp is end-to-end encrypted at the bottom when we call anyone. That means no data will be collected from this app. But unfortunately, When you message like Facebook which example I have given previously. It will collect your data. So, You’re the product of Facebook. You permit Facebook to be a product of Facebook.
Hopefully, you understand What is the dark side or negative effects of social media? in this article. Now, Everything is in your hand.
Can I get back myself from the dark side or negative effects of social media ?
Yes, Of course, you can. Let your self busy reading books and always try to make yourself busy with your time. If you face some bad incidents somehow. Never forget Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, etc. Doesn’t save you from this incident. Only your family will save you from this. So, don’t waste your time on Social Media. Do great and Be Great. All The Best
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