Everyone should be know how to write a letter—from what type of letter you should write to the letter-writing format you should choose. There are no hard-and-fast rules. What letter-writing format you choose depends on your recipient.
If you write a letter to your friends or relatives then the letter will be different then if you write the letter to someone in business then it will be different.
Knowing how to write a letter, particularly formal letters, is essential in business and throughout your career. And below we have discussed how to write a formal letter.
Let’s know how to write a formal letter: step by step
Let’s know how to write a formal letter in proper order. These steps are directed toward a formal letter, though adaptations adjustments for informal letters are also included.
Sender’s address:
At first, place your full address — including your full name, road address, city, and state in the upper left-hand corner. Ex.
Gregory Houser,
321 Hyacinth Lane,
Ulver city,190345
Skip a line and write out the date. Use the date when the letter is being written. Ex.
Recipient’s address:
Skip a line and write the recipient’s full address. For a formal letter, you’ll need to add the company name, the recipient’s name and title, and mailing address.
Business corporation
328 Plain way Road
San Samon, CA 12808
Skip one further line to fit the greeting. In a formal letter, you use “Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. and then add the last name of the recipient. If you don’t have a contact at a certain company, search online for a job title, or department. Ex.
“Dear Manager,” / “ Dear Mr. Marcony”
Body of letter:
Skip one more line and start the letter. In the body of your formal letter, separate your thoughts into paragraphs. For each new set of thoughts or ideas, begin a new paragraph and leave a blank line between paragraphs.
Complimentary close:
Skip one of your final lines to add a complimentary close. The closing can be as, “Sincerely,” “Regards,” or similar. There must always be a comma after the word or phrase.
Signature text:
Skip two or three lines (where you’ll insert your handwritten signature), and type your full name. In a formal letter, you should also include your job title on the next line. Ex.
martin Theram
If you want to include any attachments with your letter, skip one more line and type “Enclosure.” If there’s more than one attachment, indicate how many there are in parentheses. Ex.
‘X’ AttachmentOr
“Enclosure (if there’s more than one, indicate how many there like 2,3)
How to write a formal letter: Format

You can also create a cover letter with online tools with pre-ready templates here: NOVORESUME.
Hope it will help you in the future to write a letter to someone. It’s a little bit helpful for freelancers as well. You can find more articles related to freelancing here.